Our last exhibition in Academic Year 2024/2025 Hello Everyone

berita medanku

Cerita Medan dan SUMUT:

Our last exhibition in Academic Year 2024/2025 

Hello Everyone 

For your information, this is our last offer, so save the date 

Global Prima School is now opening for new students admission in Academy Year 2024/2025 on 1st - 7th July 2024 at Brastagi Supermarket Gatot Subroto.

This is the last offer to get 30% cut off discount for the development fee during the event. So make sure you have joined. 

In addition our New academic year  class 2024/2025 start on 15Th July 2024
Welcome back to school

For furthur information :
 Mr. Sentosa +6281376909488
 Ms. Rina Velly +6285314718008
 Hotline +62614556090


Visit our Website and Instagram :

Global Prima National Plus School Medan
Jl. Brigjend Katamso No. 282-283

Don't miss it!
Grab it Fast!
Limited seat!!
Last offer!! 

Our last exhibition in Academic Year 2024/2025

Hello Everyone

For your information, this is our last offer, so save the date

Global Prima School is now opening for new students admission in Academy Year 2024/2025 on 1st – 7th July 2024 at Brastagi Supermarket Gatot Subroto.

This is the last offer to get 30% cut off discount for the development fee during the event. So make sure you have joined.

In addition our New academic year class 2024/2025 start on 15Th July 2024
Welcome back to school

For furthur information :
Mr. Sentosa +6281376909488
Ms. Rina Velly +6285314718008
Hotline +62614556090


Visit our Website and Instagram :

Global Prima National Plus School Medan
Jl. Brigjend Katamso No. 282-283

Don’t miss it!
Grab it Fast!
Limited seat!!
Last offer!!

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Untuk informasi Lowongan Kerja , cek web www.KarirGram.com dan IG @KarirGram
Untuk berita Medan terkini, cek www.MedanTalk.com dan IG @MedanTalk
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